Monday, August 2, 2010

Afghanistan Strategy , The gulf oil well is about to be plugged , Iraq troop Draw Down and More

I have not posted in a while so this is going to be a quick update on the subjects I have been following. These stories have interested me, but might not of made the front pages of the news papers. Do you think President Obama has kept his promise with the Iraq time table with the troop Draw down? I have been writing for weeks about the Gulf oil spill and finally it actually might be plugged today. Do you think Wikileaks has done the right thing by obtaining and then releasing secret information about the Afghanistan war? Larry's daughter is getting into the Porn Business ... WHAT !

Ny Times - In speech on Iraq Obama reaffirms Draw down

USA Today - BP begins test for permanently plugging Gulf Well

Do you think that lives have been put in Jeopardy by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange? Or did he do the right thing by exposing so many internal documents?

Ny Times - Gates sites peril in leak of Afghan War Logs by Wikilieaks

Now in shocking (nothing shocks me anymore) news Laurence Fishburnes 19 year old daughter says it's taking to long for her to become famous. She taking a page from Kim Kardashians playbook and releasing a Home Made Porn Movie distributed by Vivid Movies. I mean she has a point 19 years old is over the hill these days. lol - Laurence Fisburne daughter: A new kind of sex tape

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